Role: Founder, Strategist

The Quick Pitch

How can we address fears of social stigma amongst patients who tested positive for COVID-19 and get them to notify others immediately? 

What I did

Qualitative interviews
Brand strategy
Comms plan
Naming brainstorm and logo identity
Website design and approach
Pitching to hospitals and clinics in USA
Pitching to Twilio for funding
Pricing strategy
Collaboration with Reshape - probono consultancy
Co-wrote Press release
Co-Initiated research paper with George Washington University 
Case presentation for SideShow awards


Patients understand the importance of notifying others after testing positive for COVID, but feel forced to hide due to their fear of being blamed and shamed by others.

Contact tracing resources weren’t of much support either as they were overwhelmed and took 300% more time than what CDC recommends to control outbreaks. 

CDC recommends reaching 75% of a patient's contacts within 24 hours of a positive test to control outbreaks, however, many state contact tracing facilities were so overwhelmed that it took them 3-4 days to reach those exposed. 


What if patients who’ve tested positive could anonymously notify those exposed immediately? 

Idea, an anonymous, pre-filled texting service that partners with healthcare centers to only give access to patients who’ve tested positive and notify immediately.



Blue symbolizes trust and is a positive association to a technological service. In addition, the Soft edges on "My" give a friendly and personal vibe to the brand, balanced with the circular typography on "" for a professional aesthetic catered to healthcare and public health departments as well

TikTok Explainer Video drove 20K views, 1750+ likes, 114 saves

“I tested positive and I had shit from people. I swear to god it would have been so much better to keep it yourself, I live in sharing space in Dubai. But now, there’s things like this that make it easier.”

“Brilliant idea. I worry about this as Covid gets more and more serious in Lebanon too”


Beta tests with 2 clinics resulted in 190 COVID patients immediately notifying 900+ people about their exposure

Collaborated with George Washington University on a research paper



Brian - Logo design
Mohit Odhrani (HypeTen) - Website design