Aliens In Advertising

The Quick Pitch

Working as an international in advertising in the US can often be a challenging, confusing and lonely journey. How can we make it easier? By creating a slack community for all the “aliens” in advertising. 

What I did

Conceptualizing the idea
Strategic approach
Naming and branding workshop
Social approach
Qualitative and quantitative member survey
Hosting and organizing panels for international students
Moderating community on Slack
Collaborating with AAF (American Advertising Federation) and 4As
Educating recruiters to hire international students


From the moment international talents enter the United States, they're classified as "Aliens" and made to feel like outsiders.

Working as an international in advertising in the US can often be a challenging, confusing, and lonely journey with no where to turn to. Visas and immigrant policies continously keep changing, often with very little or no notice or actionable advice available

  • 85% of respondents wanted a community for more guidance, especially around visas and job hunting

  • 80% of respondents mentioned they'd like the employers and industry folks to be more aware around the hiring process of internationals and be more clear on whether they hire internationals


What if we created a virtual space where all the aliens could learn from each other’s experiences, find mentors, socialize and uplift one another


Aliens In Advertising, a slack community “Spaceship” for International talent in advertising

The word "Alien" is also popularly defined for extraterrestrials, who are considered to be outsiders. So, we're reclaiming the negative connotation around this word, and building a community that celebrates our differences and the joys of being a global citizen.

Aliens In Advertising is a Slack community "spaceship" uniting international friends by helping them break in, hosting social and professional events, providing resources, mentorship programs, and advocating for them to the employers and industry. 

Aliens in Advertising created a thriving community that met online and physically, and highlighted difficult topics related to international talent, such as getting laid off, not getting the visa and having to find a new career path. Each of these topics were heavily discussed as international talent stood up for one another and shared resources in times of need.


Over 300 aliens joined the spaceship and supported the biggest student scholarship programs to open up their initiatives to international talent

Our 300 Aliens In Advertising community ranged all the way from freshmen in colleges to C-suite executives, all coming together to socialize, support and mentor one another. In the last 2 years of the community’s existence, we’ve facilitated hundreds of connections, job opportunities and become the go-to resource for international talent in advertising, right from the day they land in United States.

The community’s enthusiasm and talent caught the attention of American Advertising Federation (AAF) and 4A’s, who invited us to work with them in redefining their eligibilities and including international talents in their scholarship programs (MAIP - Multicultural Advertising Intern Program) and (MPMS - Most Promising Multicultural Students). Together, we’re working to support more recruiters to learn the process of hiring international students and opening up opportunities for more aliens to make United States their home.


Co-founders & Strategists - Maggie (Jiaman) Peng, Siddharth Seth​, Jessica Francis, Shaheen Currimjee

Co-founders & Creatives - Sheila Guo, Pei Chi Teh, Marina Ferraz, Yashashree Samant